About Me
Committed to portraying the parallels of life

Pietro Mancini was born in Tropea (VV) Italy. He lives in Pomezia (Rome). His works have been exhibited at the Chiostro del Bramante of Rome, the 54th Venice Biennale, in museums in Italy, in South America and Eastern European countries.
Through innovative digital technologies Pietro Mancini today makes his personal incursion into geometry in modern times, and bridges a connection between ideas, thoughts and sensations so as to weave different sensorial planes between them. As if they were instruments, incentives or channels to bring us towards other dimensions but intimately akin to the human being, figures enter and intertwine, duplicating in the figurative camp, crossing beyond the confines of the installative projects.
Ways to put the individual into communication with themselves, with others, with the physical and the metaphysical, their never reveal their codified contents beyond their mathematical aspect.
I prefer to present myself as an author involved in representing the parallels of life, absence and presence, wound and hope.
I feel “omnivorous” in the sense that I appreciate any form of expression, such as painting, sculpture, installation, digital, and this leads
me to use material elements, such us aluminum, wood, but also photography and programs to create or modify images,
you can understand that choosing my favorite medium becomes difficult for me.
I also work in Mental Health Departments where I coordinate creative workshops aimed at people with mental heal issues,
in these workshops we use various recycled materials, such as wood, metal, plastics, etc…, in addition we produce digital
images and short films,; in short, my life is a mixed technique in every sense, so we can say that the “mixed technique” is my favorite medium.
In 2012
he participates at the Giffoni Film Festival, where he was awarded the Critics Award...
2014 won the Nocivelli Award, photography section.
2015 As a director he won the 1st prize in the short film section at the “Lo Spiraglio Film Festival”, an event dedicated to the theme of Mental Health.
In 2019 he participated in competition at the “Spiraglio film festival” at the Maxxi Museum in Rome
In 2020 finalist in the photography section Premio Combat Prize.
In 2022 he received the “Premio Massimo Troisi” at the Festival “Corto ma non troppo”, an event dedicated to the theme of Mental Health. Paliano, Italy.
“Chiostro del Bramante”, Rome (Italy)
“LA NAU” , Universidad Valencia (Spain)
“Villa Zerbi” , Reggio Calabria (Italy)
Espacio de Arte Conteporáneo Arenal Grande 1930, Montevideo (Uruguay)
Centro Cultural Borges, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Espacio Cultural – Museo de las Mujeres, Cordoba (Argentina)
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, La Plata (Argentina)
Cassero Museum, Montevarchi, Arezzo, (Italy)
MACRO Museum, Rome (Italy)
MAAM Museum, Rome (Italy)